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vendredi 29 janvier 2016


Unusual trend and volume on YRI.TO

Already 6% gain with high volume.

Could be trader's game but seems interesting.

Are we going into another recession ?

Well, by looking at recent US data, i would stay away at this moment from durable goods corporations and concentrate on gold and oil.

Not exactly the right time for constructions companies like BZH, KBH or alike and even if car sales are really great, avoid parts manufacturer and car makers because the best could been history based upon actual readings.

Naturally it's Friday so anything could happen and traders will probably try to get as much cash possible by taking some profit off the table.

Have a great week-end

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Will OPEC members cut down on production

That could create a run for cover for shorters.

If Russia decide to get along with them, well i would imagine pretty easily a 40$ barrel oil and this could mean a great run for companies like SU.TO that has been shorted a lot recently.

That would mean a close to 25% return in a couple of weeks. Not bad actually.

Also watch gold carefully as it could be the next biggest runner up.

Watch companies like YRI.TO and G.TO. they could be great winners especially YRI.TO if you nave the stomach to digest their rolling coaster value especially since they smashed their dividend to 2 cents a year instead of 2 cents per quarter..... Be carefull...


That gambling (no punt intended) has been interesting lately as it did doubled from my last recommandation.

When you look at their filings it is interesting to note that they did obtain some new licenses and i think 3$ is not that far from being reached.

Not much volume but interesting Corp. to have a look into.

lundi 25 janvier 2016

I am back....................

Hello everyone,

Almost 3 years since the last post and must explain that i had to restrain from posting due to past job restrictions (company was a public listed Corp. and had to adhere by their rules). These restrictions have now expired.

While not posting here, it did not mean that i was not following the market and some of the companies i had expressed interest into.

During the coming days and weeks i will revisit all of them to see where they are heading and some of my new finds.

The first one that i would like to discuss is INT.TO but will avoid discussing too much due to some legal actions that could be coming soon in regard of what happen and the incredible number of investors who lost their shirts ''investing'' in that company. I have seen on many other blog sites, questioning as to why no legal actions had ever been taken against them. My answer would be that some time it takes longer than expected but there are rumors.

I was criticized and accused of being an INT.TO  pumper but never did and as a matter of fact never did for any companies nor will i ever.

Time will tell what will happen and what will be the course of actions against them.


We have entered a strange market pattern and surprisingly the logic is not there with oil at 29$, gold almost not moving and stock going in all direction.

I suspect that this pattern serves some kind of geo-political agenda and the pressure on the market is not over.

During these time you have the choice of being cash only or invest on the largest corporations in the market as it is a lot more dangerous with smaller cap Corp. that do not have the needed cash to get through these thought times.  

If you like Oil you can go with SU.TO and if you like gold, G.TO is probably a great choice.

If you are still a bit adventurer, YRI.TO is a great choice but be careful as they just cut their dividend by 75% and i expect their last quarter to have been catastrophic (profitability speaking).