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mardi 30 août 2016

RAD Expect higher volatility

We are getting very close to a decision about the merger with WBA and because of the fact that there is still some possibilities that this deal would be rejected, i expect a lot more volatility between 6,50$ and 7,35$.

As of now no decision has been made and based upon declarations from RAD, i expect the decision to be positive and the go ahead given with conditions to sell some assets along the way.

This could simply move further the merger date to early 2017 allowing time for them to get rid of the assets needed to allow the transaction.

If that was to happen, expect a higher range of trading and lot more profit to be made.

But be careful as price could get down a lot more and closer to 4$ if the delay is longer than a quarter.

Have fun

jeudi 18 août 2016

Oil is on fire.........

I know bad choice of words but could not resist....

Some time ago i insisted on the fact that oil would recover mainly because major producers could not stay in business with oil under 40$.

We are now on the verge of a major agreement between Russia and the Saudies.

My guess is that balance oil price is around 60$ and that oil will get there before end of this year.

But in any case, during that tim eit will be interesting to play the swings from oil on large Canadian companies like MEG.TO and SU.TO

I still own large number of shares in MEG and i sold out SU mainly because MEG is a lot more volatile and easy to play.

Have fun