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The Star List

My top pick list for 2017

1)  GPR  /GPL  Great Panther Silver. This is one of the best play on the silver market. It has suffered a lot recently and definitely think that 2017-2018 will be a great year for GPL. With silver price stabilizing now around 17$ and a forecast increase to over 20$ by year end 2017, it could provide a great return and it could happen rapidly in case of market disruption.

2) HOV (nyse) Hovnanian Enterprises. This one is ready to achieve great results. Construction sector has improved a lot in the last months and share has increase over the 7$ recently. With actual pull back, it is a great entry point. I think that HOV could reach 8-10$ before year end 2013. Unfortunately they never delivered profit as expected. Stay away until 1,75$

3) RAD:  Finally they turn a profit on their last quarter after a long period of negative return. IF it was to show another profitable quarter (as it expect) in mid march 2013, get ready for a rapid climb well over their actual 1,50$ share price. The share price has improved a lot over the last 90 days and I think it is not over. UPDATE  EXIT PRICE AT 9$ AS THEY WERE BOUGT OUT BY WBA. But as of today, nothing has materialized again. Be careful

4) AC    The share price actually does not totally reflect the true value of Air Canada and when they fix the pension deficit problem (who thinks that the Canadian Govnmt will not give them their blessing to change the way they have to get the money in their pension fund.....) the share price will skyrocket to the level at which it should be and this should be close to 4$. The process is longer than originally thought but I am certain it will happen. UPDATE:  buying range now between 8$ and 9$ and exit price around 10$ UPDATE: time to exit now.