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mardi 17 août 2010


Are you ready for a 500% return???

Well, if you have the nerves and some hundreds of dollars from other gains, this could very well be the play of the Q3 and Q4.

Their business is improving, there are still a lot of shorts to cover their positions and unless sky's fall, they will be able to beat expectations again in Q3 and Q4.

If they ever were to be positive in any of these 2 quarters, it will go over 1$ without a problem. Only shadow still looming out is a reverse split that would damage their sahre price for some months as actually a good chunk of profit is made thanks to day traders.

But overall, with 1 Billion shares if you want to have great fun watchingm this one's for you AS LONG AS YOU KEEP YOUR INVESTMENT MODEST into that stock. Remember it is purely speculative and could change direction very rapidly.

If you have some doubts think about MBHI that went from 0,20 to 1,35 in 3 days then guess what: they are closed...

Have some good trading


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