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mercredi 13 octobre 2010


LVS could be loosing steam since this great leg up started some time ago. Since first recommended on Januray 1st of this year (actually march 2009) as a top pick for 2010 in climbed from 14,94 39,00$ yesterday for a whopping 160% return this year so far.

So it is normal to see it loosing a bit of steam. BUT expect it to reboud. If you sold some around 35$-36$ it may be time to put it back on your radar for the next oversold condition (dip)

WFC is still undervalued and based upon numbers from JP Morgan it may declare a great Q3 result coming also from the loan provision being much lower than anticipated recupering some hundred of million $ that were put aside for bad debt, but may still be short on the revenues increase. Remember that they close all of their canadian branches in june 2010 and also closed most of their us loan branches (high interest loan offices). Their numbers will be very interesting to look at. Revenues should increase in Q4 and they should be back on track for a great leg up early november and going well into 2011.

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