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mardi 9 août 2011

Where are we heading

I expect the markets to rebound somewhat this week up until friday and if employment numbers are under 400K for this week, then we could imagine a rally and if they are not it could be another drop at least equal to gains from today to thursday.

Overall the market is totally oversold and near if not at the bottom now.

I have seen panic selling yesterday and even this morning futures are really highly volatile.

That being said, remember right after the selloff in march. 1 month ago when you were looking at share price at that time many would have dream to have bought a lot more. Well, we are at these levels now: DAN at 11$, Ford at 10$, LVS at 37$ and so on.

I think it is time to get back in slowly but surely. If you would buy 1000 DAN today, i would start by a 25% chunk and see what happen during the week.

In any case, never invest more than you can afford to lose and if your are investing for a 3-5 years, well this is it: bargain time !

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