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mardi 19 juin 2012


If the market is what it looks like, the residential home market has bottomed and ready to start a great new leg up. It may find bumps along the road but overall it is going in the right direction and mostly has nothing to do with Europe...

Beazer is well positionned to secure a great return on investment. They have been hit really hard but yesterday it achieved a new 10 days high. Also on a technical note, the bollinger bands have not been so tight recently and this indicates most probably a volatility period to start and should be a good trading opportunity. Interesting to note that a bit over 10M shares were shorted (in total) at the end of may and if shorts have not covered their positions, we could face a short squeeze on any good news adding value to BZH.

Recently i have been a buyer of BZH at around 2,50 - 2,65 but with actual market conditions, i will open today a new position FOR ACCUMULATION unless there is a great share price increase in which case i would sell some to lower my acquisition cost.

As usual DO NOT INVEST MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE and always do your own due diligence before investing in any stock. CHEAP SHARE PRICE does not necessary mean a real bargain. Play with caution.

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